

Frequently Asked Questions

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Click a question to move down to answer.
  1. When is the best time to schedule a child's session?
  2. What if I can't make my scheduled time?
  3. Should I dress my child formally or casually?
  4. How should I choose their clothing, props, etc.?
  5. What if it rains on the day of my session?
  6. How much do I have to pay at the time of the session?
  7. How long does a session take?
  8. When will I get to see my previews?
  9. Do I need to know what packages I want to order at the session?

    Feel free to contact Oak Haven with additional questions.
  1. When is the best time to schedule my child's session?
    Children's sessions should be scheduled when your child is most alert and cooperative.  Never schedule a session before nap-time or prior to a meal.  If a portion of your session is going to be outside, plan on scheduling your session in the morning or late afternoon.  [Return to top]
  2. What if I can't make my  scheduled time?
    Oak Haven has reserved your scheduled time for your personalized session.  If you cannot make that time, or think that you will be late, please call the studio and let them know.   [Return to top]
  3. Should I dress my child formally or casually?
    Children are generally more comfortable dressed casually, but it depends on the look you are going for.  Feel free to bring along several choices of clothing, and let Jim & Julie help you make the final decision.  [Return to top]
  4. How should I choose their clothing, props, etc.?
    Choose clothing that is comfortable.  Generally solid colors or subtle prints are best, because they do not dominate the image.  Long sleeves and long pants photograph better than t-shirts and shorts.  Bring along any props, toys, etc. that you would like included in your portrait.  Often a favorite toy will put your child at ease.  Consider whether or not you want that toy included in the final photograph, though.   [Return to top]
  5. What if it rains on the day of our session?
    While outdoor portraits are beautiful, we are at the whim of the elements.  Contrary to popular belief, an overcast sky is perfect for portraits.  It is still good even if it is threatening to rain.  If it is raining constantly, and you are planning on an outdoor session, your session may have to be rescheduled.  Feel free to call Oak Haven if you are concerned about the weather.  If you have not heard that the session is canceled, assume that it is still on.   [Return to top]
  6. How much do I have to pay at the time of the session?
    The sitting fee is due at the time of the session.  Payment for orders are not due until after you have seen your previews and placed an order for your enlargements.  [Return to top]
  7. How long does a session take?
    A basic session takes about an hour.  If you are on a tight time schedule, please let Jim or Julie know before your session.   [Return to top]
  8. When will I get to see my previews?
    Your previews will be ready for viewing in about ten days.   [Return to top]
  9. Do I need to know what packages I want to order at the session?
    You do not need to decide on your enlargements until you have reviewed your previews.  It is good to know generally what you will want to order, particularly the largest image size that you may want to order and whether you need to have your portrait formatted horizontally or vertically.   [Return to top]