

Frequently Asked Questions

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Click a question to move down to answer.
  1. When is the best time to schedule a child's session?
  2. What if I can't make my scheduled time?
  3. How much do I have to pay at the time of the session?
  4. Do I get to choose the image from which my package will be printed?

    Feel free to contact Oak Haven with additional questions.
  1. When is the best time to schedule my child's session?
    Children's sessions should be scheduled when your child is most alert and cooperative.  Never schedule a session before nap-time or prior to a meal.    [Return to top]
  2. What if I can't make my  scheduled time?
    Oak Haven has reserved your scheduled time for your personalized session.  If you cannot make that time, or think that you will be late, please call the studio and let them know.   [Return to top]
  3. How much do I have to pay at the time of the session?
    To get the special pricing that Oak Haven offers to dance studios and groups, all orders have to be placed and paid for at the time of the session.  Cash, check, and money orders are acceptable.  [Return to top]
  4. Do I get to choose the image from which my package will be printed.?
    During the session, Jim & Julie will take a series of images of your dancer.  At that time you may express your opinion about how you feel each image is coming together.  The final image for your package will be chosen by Oak Haven, taking into consideration your input.  You will not get to see the final image until the package is printed.  If you are not happy with the image that was chosen, Oak Haven will reprint your package at no cost to you or will refund your money.   [Return to top]