- When is the best time to schedule
Picture days should be scheduled as early in the season as is
convenient. Many parents appreciate getting their pictures early,
especially being able to wear their buttons. Recognize though,
that early spring tends to be a challenge with rain-outs, and you can't
schedule pictures before you know that all players will have their
uniforms. [Return
to top]
- Can I have my teams photographed
on Saturday morning or afternoon?
It seems many sports photographers like to schedule pictures as an
all day Saturday event. This works fine for indoor sports.
If you are having your team photographed outside (which is more natural
and pleasing for spring, summer, and fall sports), you have to work with
when the light is acceptable. Oak Haven is primarily a portrait
studio. No professional portrait photographer would ever schedule
a portrait session in the middle of the day. The light is too
harsh. While it is certainly more convenient for the photographer
to schedule all of a league's teams on one day, the results from a
photographic standpoint are not worth it. Oak Haven will usually
schedule team photographs in the late afternoon or early evening, when
the light is most pleasing. [Return
to top]
- Does my sport's organization get
anything for scheduling with Oak Haven?
When an organization schedules all of their teams with Oak Haven, 10%
of the profits will be returned to the organization. As an
example, for CNEAA Football in 2003 Oak Haven returned, on average,
$1.69 of each child's order back to CNEAA. In addition. the person
who takes the responsibility to schedule the teams,
distribute envelopes, and distribute final prints earns a $25 gift
certificate for Oak Haven pictures. [Return
to top]
- Do I have to place my order and
pay for it at the time of the sitting?
Oak Haven Photography is able to offer special pricing to sports
groups because orders and payment are received at the sitting. If,
for any reason within the control of Oak Haven, you are not happy with
your final prints, you can return them for a full refund.
[Return to top]
- What if I want to order more
prints later?
As stated in question #4, pricing is based on pre-orders.
Orders that are placed after the session are subject to at least a
$5 surcharge and will not be placed until another group order is being
processed. [Return
to top]
- What if I don't like my
All orders are 100% guaranteed. If, for any reason within
the control of Oak Haven, you are not happy with your final prints, you
can return them for a full refund. Oak Haven will not take
responsibility if you do not like the hairstyle that you
chose, or other issues that are beyond their control.
[Return to top]
- Can I have more than one child in
a grouping?
The pricing and scheduling for sports groups is based on
photographing individual children. Feel free to ask Jim or Julie
during the session if there is time for a combination photo in addition
to your separate individual photos. [Return to top]
- What if it rains or is overcast
on the day we are scheduled for pictures?
While outdoor portraits are beautiful, we are at the whim of the
elements. Contrary to popular belief, an overcast sky is perfect
for portraits. It is still good even if it is threatening to rain.
If it is raining constantly the picture day may be rescheduled.
This is very difficult to do for all parties involved, so is done only
as a last resort. Feel free to call Oak Haven if you are concerned
about the weather. If you have not heard that the session is
canceled, assume that it is still on. [Return to top]
- Where can I get an order form?
Order forms were likely handed out during scheduling. If you do
not have an order form, there will be extras available at your session.
If you would like to review prices and packages before your session,
please follow the "pricing" link above.
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