

Frequently Asked Questions
Wedding Forms

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  1. Will I know which photographer will be at my wedding?
  2. How many photographers will be at my wedding from Oak Haven?
  3. Does Oak Haven record the wedding "photo-journalistically" or "formally"?
  4. Can I have some of my wedding photos in Black & White?

    Feel free to contact Oak Haven with additional questions.
  1. Will I know which photographer will be at my wedding?
    Oak Haven Photography is Jim & Julie Varick.  When you contract with Oak Haven you know exactly who will be responsible for capturing the images of your wedding day.  If you do talk with other studios, make sure to ask them if the photographer that you meet will be the one covering your event.  Also make sure that the images that you are shown are the work of that same photographer .  [Return to top]
  2. How many photographers will be at my wedding from Oak Haven?
    Photographing an event as involved as a wedding requires at least two individuals.  Jim is the primary photographer while Julie is responsible for posing and logistics.  There will likely be times when both of them will be covering the same occurrence from different angles or photographing different subjects all together.   [Return to top]
  3. Does Oak Haven record the wedding "photo-journalistically" or "formally"?
    Most people who ask to have their weddings recorded photo-journalistically do not really understand what that term means.  In its truest sense, photo-journalistic coverage would not include any set-up portraits.  The photographer covers the event as a news photographer would: capturing images of events as they occur, but not influencing how or when things occur.  Oak Haven finds that most couples want a combination of candid photos of events as they occur and formal portraits of family, friends, and the wedding couple.  Oak Haven will work with you to develop a photography strategy that will meet your desires.  [Return to top]
  4. Can I have some of my wedding photos in Black & White?
    Oak Haven maximizes your options for your wedding enlargements by capturing all images in color, but giving you the option of printing in color, black & white, sepia, or spot color.   [Return to top]